Why Motivation Alone Isn’t Enough

Neal Schuppe
September 22, 2024
Why Motivation Alone Isn’t Enough

Motivation is often the spark that ignites our fitness journey. It gets us excited, ready to crush our workouts, and hit those PRs. But here's the truth: motivation alone isn't enough to sustain long-term progress. It comes and goes, leaving us searching for that fire we once had. So, what happens when the motivation fizzles out? That’s where discipline comes in.

Motivation is great for starting out. You may feel driven by the excitement of a new routine, seeing results quickly, or being part of the CrossFit community. However, motivation is not constant. Life gets busy, the workouts get harder, and that initial excitement can fade. If you're relying solely on motivation, you're setting yourself up for frustration when you don't "feel" like working out.

Motivation is connected to your "why." Why am I doing this? Why is it important to me? What is the value of this journey in my life? If you can answer these questions, you’ve laid the groundwork for the next, more critical step: discipline.

Discipline is the bridge between where you are now and where you want to be. It’s built over time and solidifies when your “why” stays in focus. When you understand why you're pushing through those grueling WODs, discipline takes over where motivation leaves off. You stop relying on feelings to dictate your actions and instead show up because you’ve committed to the process.

Think about it like this: you may not always feel motivated to do burpees (who does?), but if you’re disciplined, you’ll still show up and put in the work because you know it's part of the path to your goal. Whether that’s feeling more comfortable in your skin, keeping up with your kids, or simply becoming stronger, discipline is the daily practice of staying aligned with your bigger vision.

Discipline doesn’t just keep you consistent—it builds confidence. Every time you show up, even when you don’t want to, you prove to yourself that you’re capable of following through. That consistency builds trust in yourself, which in turn strengthens your motivation when it does show up again.

It’s a cycle: your "why" fuels your discipline, and your discipline builds the results that feed back into your motivation. Over time, you become someone who doesn’t need to rely on fleeting motivation. You’ve built a system of habits that ensures success, regardless of how you feel on any given day.

In the end, it's discipline that will keep you in the game long-term, helping you show up day after day, no matter how tough the WOD or how tired you feel. And when you stick to it, you'll not only see physical results, but you'll also feel more empowered, more in control, and more confident in your ability to achieve whatever you set your mind to.

So, remember your "why," show up, and let discipline guide you on your CrossFit journey.

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