Date: Saturday, February 15, 2025
Time: 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM (First Heat @ 9:00 AM)
Location: CrossFit HTS Pittsboro
Join us for the HTS Swolemate Throwdown, an exciting in-house CrossFit competition open to members of CrossFit HTS, along with their family and friends. This event combines friendly competition and community fun, with two divisions to choose from: Competitive and For Fun.
Event Details
Competitive Division (Member + Member)
- Who: Designed for members who:
- Have been doing CrossFit for 6+ months.
- Feel comfortable performing movements with little to no instruction.
- Want to compete against HTS peers in a supportive environment.
- Members should partner with other HTS members or individuals meeting the criteria above. Coaches cannot compete in this division.
- Cost: $99 per person (includes a t-shirt, welcome bag, refreshments, and snacks).
- Workouts:
- 3 workouts released in advance, plus a surprise workout announced on the day of the event.
- No scaled or RX divisions; all workouts will be scalable for various skill levels and ages, ensuring fair and comparable scoring.
- Prizes:
- First, second, and third place winners will be announced at the end of the competition and awarded prizes.
For Fun Division (New Member + New Member, Member + _______, Family/Friends)
- Who: Perfect for:
- New HTS members (less than 6 months).
- Friends and family looking to experience CrossFit in a supportive, no-pressure environment.
- Partners can be:
- Two new HTS members.
- An HTS member and their family, partner, or friend.
- Coaches can compete in this division when paired with newer members, family, or friends. HTS Coaches Yani or Nico are available to help new members find partners.
- Cost: $69 per person (includes a welcome bag, refreshments, and snacks).
- T-shirts are not included, but can be purchased for an additional $15.
- Partners are encouraged to dress spiritedly!
- WODs:
- 3 workouts released in advance.
- Workouts will be accessible for all fitness levels, emphasizing fun and gamification.
- Scores will not be recorded.
- Prizes:
- Superlative awards: To Be Announced!
- Winners will be announced alongside the Competitive Division podium finishes and receive prizes.
Additional Information
- Not Competing?
Come cheer on your fellow HTS members and their partners! Enjoy free food, music from a live DJ, and plenty of fun. There might even be special superlative awards for our most enthusiastic fans! - Proceeds:
All net proceeds will go towards the HTS Scholarship Fund, supporting current and future CrossFit HTS members experiencing financial hardship.
Mark your calendar and join us for this exciting day of fitness, fun, and community building at CrossFit HTS Pittsboro! We look forward to seeing you there.
Sign up for $69 for the “fun” division and $99 for the competitive division. All proceeds will be added to the HTS Scholarship Fund which helps support memberships for those who cannot afford to do so on their own. Register by January 31, 2025 to guarantee your spot and t-shirt availability!
Registration Deadlines
- Early-registration deadline: January 31, 2025some text
- Can guarantee t-shirt size.
- Can provide assistance pairing members and/or coaches.
- Late-registration deadline: February 12, 2025some text
- Cannot guarantee t-shirt size or availability at competition.
HTS members can sign up via the sign-up sheets in the gyms. Your PushPress account will be charged when the competition gets closer. If you are signing up with a non-HTS member, put their name down as well!
WODs and Scaling
Competitive Division
Age Group = “Combined age of team” - Scaled movements and requirements based on age group
- 30-70
- 70-110
- 110-150
WOD 1: You Take My Breath Away
- Partner 1 Holds D-DBs (Devil’s Press Weight) while Partner 2 moves through the workout. Can switch anytime, but Partner not holding weight cannot start movements until other Partner is holding DB(s).
- 50 Double Unders or 100 Single Unders
- 40 Burpees Over Line
- 30 KB Swings
- 20 Box Jump Overs
- 10 Double DB Devils Press
- Age Groups Requirements:
- 30-70 Double Unders, KB (53/44), Box Jump OVERS (24/20), D-DB (50/35)
- 70-110 Double Unders, KB (44/35), Box Jumps then Over (24/20), D-DB (35/25)
- 110-150 Choice of DUs or SUs, KB (35/26), Box Step Overs (24/20), S-DB (50/35)
- Full Box Jump OVERS
- Box Jump (then) Overs
- Box Step Overs
- Double Dumbbell Devils Press
- Single Dumbbell Devils Press
- Kettlebell Swings
WOD 2: Love Keeps Lifting Me Higher
- 1RM Clean and Jerk
- 6:00 Per Person, 12:00 Total
- Each Partner has 6:00 to make 4/5/6/7 attempts at the heaviest Clean and Jerk
- The score will be the combined weight of all attempts. If a lift is missed that attempt is scored at 0.
- Age Groups Requirements:
- 30-70 - 4/5 Attempts - Male 4 Attempts, Female 5 Attempts
- 70-110 - 5/6 Attempts - Male 5 Attempts, Female 6 Attempts
- 110-150 - 6/7 Attempts - Male 6 Attempts, Female 7 Attempts
WOD 3 A/B (2 Scored Events): Wind Beneath My Wings
Partners have 8:00 to complete as many rounds + reps as possible. One person works, one person rests at all times.
Once the 8:00 is finished, partners then have 2:00 to accumulate as many reps of either movement as they can. Each movement has a different point value (see below).
- WOD A: 8:00 AMRAP
- 24 Wallballs
- Walking Lunge to Line
- 12 Pullups
- Immediately into
- WOD B: 2:00 AMRAP
- Bar Muscle Ups and/or Handstand Pushups (1 Ab Mat for Safety)
- Age Groups Requirements:some text
- 30-70 WB (20/14), Chin Over Bar Pull Ups, BMU=5, HSPU = 1
- 70-110 WB (14/10), Use of Black Band or less on Pull Ups, BMU=7, HSPU = 2
- 110-150 WB (8/6), Use of Green Band or less on Pull Ups, BMU=10, HSPU = 3
WOD 4: Carrying Your Love with Me
For Fun Division
Tic Tac Toe - Kettlebell CrossFit Style (Bracket Style to Determine Winning Team)
Partners go head to head with another team to play Tic Tac Toe. Partners must take turns placing KBs on a Tic Tac Toe board with the goal of getting 3 in a row. Each team is allowed 3 KBs and once all 3 are on the playing board the game must continue until 3 in a row is accomplished. Partners start behind the white line and must complete 3 burpees before they are allowed to take their KB to the board each time. Once all 3 KBs are on the board (if 3 in a row is not made yet) partners continue to do 3 burpees behind the white line before running to move one of their KBs to a new spot on the board. The game is complete when one team gets 3 KBs in a row.
Plate Moving Relay - one person works, one person waits. The waiting partner must be standing behind the white line on the opposite side of the gym. Only 1 plate can be moved each time. Partners do not have to alternate turns. Workout is complete when all plates are moved from one end of the gym, to the other side, and back. Plates do not have to be stacked when placed down, but cannot be thrown. Control of plates must be shown at all times.
WOD 3: Let Me Lift You
CrossFit: 21-15-9 Goblet Squats and Partner Wallball Situps
Partners can split reps any way, but teams must complete a total of 21 Goblet Squats, 21 Partner Wall Ball Sit Ups, 15 Goblet Squats, 15 Partner Wall Ball Sit Ups, 9 Goblet Squats, and 9 Wall Ball Sit Ups.
*Between each movement partners must wheelbarrow with their partner to the next station!*
HTS Scholarship Fund
The HTS Scholarship Fund was established to support current and future HTS members that meet financial hardships and are unable to temporarily afford their HTS membership. Our goal at HTS has always been to provide affordable fitness access to all. This fund will help us continue to support our HTS family members through all of life’s ups and downs.