Shayna Whitney

Shayna Whitney


Squat: 205

Clean & Jerk: 165

Bench: 135

Deadlift: 265

Favorite Hero WOD: Murph!


CrossFit Online Level 1 (CF-OL1)

First Aid/CPR/AED

About Coach

Although I am still young and have much to learn, something I have learned is the importance of hard work. Growing up, I was pretty competitive and played a ton of sports. COVID-19 halted my journey to try every recreational sport, but CrossFit welcomed me back to the fitness world at the end of 2020. At first, the sport was humbling and a little intimidating. After only six months of attending weekly classes at a local affiliate, I realized how many possibilities CrossFit offered. There was no limit; always something easier, always something harder. I was amazed! My coaches and peers continued to encourage me to push my own limit until I deemed CrossFit my favorite sport of them all. These people and this sport have shaped me into the growing athlete I am today.

Turning Point

Almost two years ago, I attempted to summit Mount Shasta in Northern California. I had to turn around only a mile from the peak after hiking for 12 hours. The hardest part of this experience was coming to terms with the outcome. At first, all I saw was hard work down the drain. While this was not entirely false, I failed to acknowledge the feats that I DID accomplish. I had climbed higher than I ever had, pushed my limits, and tried my best. Because of this, I understand that even if I can't reach my biggest goal right now, I can still learn and accomplish something in the process of trying.

Motivation & Passion

I became a coach to help others find a passion for fitness. I get my own motivation from curiosity and a drive to contribute to my supportive community. No matter what fitness level someone is, I want to guide them in setting goals, reaching them, and celebrating, too! I find so much joy and community in CrossFit, and love showing other people this amazing sport.

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